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年级 科目 问题描述 提问时间
初二 英语 补全对话 2013-10-20 22:01:37

A:What’s that a great talent (1) ______?

B: Yeah! It(2) ______ really a great talent show.

A: (3) ______did you think was the best(4) ______?


B:Oh, I thought Eliza was the best performer. She was an excellent piano plater. 

A: Yeah, she was great. And I thought Steve and his dog(5) ______the funniest.

B:Me(6)______!I couldn’t(7)______laughing! And what(8)______Vera? Wasn’t she creative?

A:Yes, I’d say she was the most creative actress!

B: Who did you think was the worst?

A:Oh, Dennis! He was terrible! He couldn’t juggle(玩杂耍)(9)______all.

B:I know.

A:What(10)______you think of The Math Teachers?

B:Well,they were definitely(肯定)the loudest!

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